ER Intelligence

ER Intelligence offers solutions for market intelligence gathering. Obtain insights faster with less work by letting our AI engine sort through a trove of data and distinguish organizations, industries, topics, people and events mentioned. Gain faster insight into the risks and opportunities for better decision-making.

Market trend discovery

Find new opportunities

Find relevant, actionable data and insights fast with interactive visualizations.

Global trends research

Deliver complete and global research for future planning and corporate strategy adjustments.

Business research

Track market trends

Make faster informed and confident decisions about your business strategies to your sector peers.

Discover industry insights

Benchmark companies side by side using standardized and industry-specific metrics.

Corporate strategy

Informative visualizations

Configure dashboard and export graphs to deliver more complete trend research.

Automatic Reporting

Export and send branded reports with just a few clicks.

Sentiment analysis

Topic Sentiment Analysis

Identify positive and negative sentiment across companies, sectors and categories.

Sentiment volatility

Quickly understand sentiment for an individual entity over time.

Ready to get started?